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don’t close your eyes

Books, Don't Close Your Eyes, Paperback, Publication

Don’t Close Your Eyes is now in paperback!

4th January 2018

…So the day is finally here. My second novel, Don’t Close Your Eyes, is published in paperback in the UK and Ireland!

Paperback cover for Don't Close Your Eyes by Holly Seddon

I’m still in The Netherlands for the moment, glamorously dealing with my son’s chicken pox and using my literary skills to do loads of laundry as we’ve still not caught up after Christmas’s Norovirus outbreak.

But I’m vicariously living through friends and readers who are kindly sharing pictures of tube and rail posters like this one from my schoolfriend Charlotte. Isn’t it beautiful? I’m so grateful to my publisher, Corvus Books.

Don't Close Your Eyes poster, Charing Cross Underground Station.

Don’t Close Your Eyes poster, Charing Cross Underground Station.

It’s an absolute privilege to publish a second book, and I really hope you enjoy it.


Don't Close Your Eyes

Don’t Close Your Eyes – available to pre-order now

9th December 2016
Don't Close Your Eyes book cover

Want to get Don’t Close Your Eyes as soon as it comes out? Like, the second it’s released? Pre-order your Kindle copy today and the minute the clock strikes on 6 July 2017, it’ll be ready to download to your device.


Here comes the blurb…

Robin and Sarah weren’t the closest of twins. They weren’t even that similar. But they loved each other dearly. Until, in the cruellest of domestic twists, they were taken from one another.

Now, in her early 30s, Robin lives alone. Agoraphobic and suffering from panic attacks, she spends her days pacing the rooms of her house. The rest of the time she watches – watches the street, the houses, the neighbours. Until one day, she sees something she shouldn’t…

And Sarah? Sarah got what she wanted – the good-looking man, the beautiful baby, the perfect home. But she’s just been accused of the most terrible thing of all. She can’t be around her new family until she has come to terms with something that happened a long time ago. And to do that, she needs to track down her twin sister.

But Sarah isn’t the only person looking for Robin. As their paths intersect, something dangerous is set in motion, leading Robin and Sarah to fight for much more than their relationship…